If your account was created pre-Steam integration, or you created it via the M圜om launcher from our official website, simply head to our website store page instead. Important: You will not be able to use a Steam-purchased Collector's Edition or Starter Kit on any account that was not created via Steam. You can also benefit from free transportation across the map and other advantages over a regular account.

Accurate at range and deadly up close – The Outlaw is a force to be reckoned with! Premium Account (3 days)The Premium Account boosts your rewards in credits and Knowledge of Enemies for killing enemies and completing adventures to 200%. Lay down the law the old fashion way with nothing but two pistols and an itchy trigger finger! The Outlaw class is a charismatic, daring and dangerous hero, who brilliantly handles two side arms and, when necessary, dynamite. This Free Steam Welcome Pack contains a permanent class unlock and some Premium Account time to help you start in the world of Aelion.Ĭlass Unlock: Outlaw (permanent)This pack will permanently unlock the Outlaw class for you to enjoy (Available to choose from the class menu, once you have finished the tutorial). If you can look past that, however, then this game is actually a lot of fun.Welcome to Skyforge! We have a small welcome present for all new players joining us from Steam. You can't do anything without fighting identical enemies over and over again, and it can get on a player's nerves. The biggest downside is how grindy and repetitive this game can get at times. And, as stated, you can ascend to become a god and create your own religion once you get far enough. You can also switch classes whenever you want, which makes multiple characters unnecessary. You have a bunch of combos that have different inputs much like a fighting game. The combat in this game is also engaging. In no other game will you have angels wearing stereotypical fantasy armor facing off against mechs and cyborgs backed by a tank line while looking like they belong in the same game. They seamlessly blended sci-fi and fantasy together.

The first thing to note about this game is its amazing artstyle. Once that's done, go to this link to install the game. To install Skyforge, make sure you have Steam installed. Skyforge decided to create a whole new system where you ascend to become a god and gathered followers in the world.

However, there are a few MMOs out there that try to mix up some part of it. Very few MMORPGs have tried to mix it up, with many sharing a very similar combat system and gameplay loop as WoW. The formula for MMORPGs that World of Warcraft has established has permeated the scene, to the point where it's overflowing and relatively stagnant.